Thomas Elsner, J.D., M.A. passed away January 14, 2025. He was a Zurich trained Jungian Analyst and ran a private practice in Santa Barbara California for 25 years. A former core faculty professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute, he was a training analyst at the C.G. Jung Study Center of Southern California. Before training as a Jungian analyst, Thomas practiced as an attorney.
Thomas Elsner offered seminars and lectures nationally and internationally on his interests in literature and folklore, alchemy, dreams, active imagination, and intersections between physics and depth psychology.
His book A Flash of Golden Fire: Coleridge and the Alchemical Imagination will be published in August 2025 by Texas A&M University. Learn more and pre-order the book here.
Certified Jungian Analyst, I.A.A.P.
Certified Psychoanalyst, California Medical Board