Articles, Podcasts & Videos
- The Rainmaker
- A Symbol in the Truth of Things
- Animals and Analysis: The Grimms’ Tale “The Three Languages”
- The Introversion of War
- The Voice that in Madness is Wanting
- Forward to: I Only Went Out for a Walk: Finding My Wilderness Soul on a California Ranch by Doyle Hollister
- Review of: Trauma and the Soul: A Psycho-Spiritual Approach to Human Development and its Interruption by Donald Kalsched
- Review of: Stone by Stone: Reflections on the Psychology of C. G. Jung by Andreas Schwiezer and Regina Schweizer-Vuellers
- Review of: The Wounded Researcher: Research with Soul in Mind by Robert Romanyshyn
- Review of: Wisdom Has Built Her House: Psychological Aspects of the Feminine (2019) Edited by Andreas Schweizer and Regine Schweizer-Vüllers. Daimon Verlag.
- From Shrink Rap Radio: Politics and Jung with Jungian Analyst Tom Elsner
- From Shrink Rap Radio: A Jungian Approach to Fairytales with Tom Elsner
- From The UNcivilized Podcast with Traver Boehm: What You Can Learn from Your Dreams with Tom Elsner
- From Emily Yurcheshen: Find Your Song: Interview with Jungian Psychotherapist Thomas Elsner
- From Depth Insights: Seeing the World with Soul: Alchemical Active Imagination: Interview with Jungian Analyst Tom Elsner
- Interview with Richard Dugan: Thomas Elsner, J D, M A, Jungian Analyst
- Interview by Michael Escamilla, MD: A Flash of Golden Fire with Thomas Elsner
- On the Threshold of Transformation, Liminality & Symbolic Death
- Alchemical Active Imagination Interview with Bonnie Bright, Ph.D.
Certified Jungian Analyst, I.A.A.P.
Certified Psychoanalyst, California Medical Board
5290 Overpass Road
Suite 126
Santa Barbara, CA 93111